The process of institutionalization of Educational Research and its role in teaching professional development




Educational research, Teacher professional development, Teaching position


This article presents the first results of the author's postdoctoral research that began in September 2023 under the direction of Dr. Juan Piovani at the FaHCE-UNLP in Argentina. The research refers to the process of institutionalization of Educational Research as a discipline of the Educational Sciences and its role in the professional development of teachers in Uruguay. The following questions account for both the research problem and the nature of the theoretical-empirical object selected: Is it possible to refer to a process of institutionalization of Educational Research as a scientific discipline as an Educational Science? In terms of educational praxis, what role do teachers give to Educational Research in the development of their teaching work and in the structuring of their teaching position? The theoretical inquiry process is based on an analysis from an ontological, epistemological and methodological hermeneutic approach framed within a socio-historical approach. As for the empirical methodological approach, the advances of the analysis of the narrative method are presented to reference teachers within the national teacher training. In this way, from the voices of the actors directly involved, we seek to make visible how the development and promotion of Educational Research can give the possibility of the gestation of a critical, autonomous and self-managed community of teachers.


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How to Cite

Capocasale Bruno, A. (2024). The process of institutionalization of Educational Research and its role in teaching professional development. Revista Disserata, 1(1), e110001.