Mulher, Economia e Segurança: vicissitudes da educação formal no contexto de terrorismo em Moçambique


  • Sergia Williamo Universidade Aberta ISCED



Educação formal, Mulheres deslocadas, vulnerabilidade


Formal Education and Economic Empowerment for the Social Security of Displaced Women in the Palma District, Cabo Delgado Formal education and economic empowerment are vital tools in addressing the severe humanitarian crisis marked by deaths, destruction of infrastructure, and the displacement of over one million people, which has profoundly impacted women. These women face challenges such as loss of livelihoods, gender-based violence, and exclusion from educational and economic opportunities. In this context, access to formal education and economic empowerment emerges as crucial strategies to mitigate the vulnerabilities they experience. These approaches provide skills for greater resilience, while financial autonomy strengthens social security and community stability. This qualitative study, based on bibliographic and documentary analysis, examines how these initiatives promote inclusion and social security for displaced women in Palma, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals. It seeks to identify challenges, highlight potentialities in light of public policies and implemented programs, and guide women in overcoming obstacles, emphasizing their transformative potential for social reconstruction and inclusive dialogue.


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How to Cite

Williamo, S. (2024). Mulher, Economia e Segurança: vicissitudes da educação formal no contexto de terrorismo em Moçambique. Revista Disserata, 1(1), e110006.